
Abby Grace Makes Surprise Entry into World:

The SMETCOWORLD team was shocked as Abigail Grace Smetana rocked our world  TWO months early!

The tale of the tape is:

Weight: 3 pounds, 10.6 ounces

Height: 16.25 inches

Born on March 30, 2005 at 11:37am

Sometimes planning just goes out the window. Abby was scheduled to be born on May the 23rd but she decided that sooner is better than later. Needless to say, we were scrambling back at the SmetcoWorld Headquarters. So Abby poked her head out at 11:37 am to the delight of two very excited parents.


It is great being out in the fresh air. Just in time for spring.



At SmetcoWorld, all new employees are subjected to an exhausting physical...



There is nothing like some good fresh air to get the lungs going strong...Abby will stay like this for a couple of days. Abby will stay in the NICU for a few weeks undergoing some body building. Being in tip top shape is good for SmetcoWorld employees.



Mom and Abby are resting comfortably. Dad (not shown) is on an adrenaline rush that only a Dad would understand.

Thanks to the medical team and the visitors that made Abby's first birthday so memorable!


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Last modified: March 30, 2005