
Abby Salutes Higher Education -- Goes to School!

Elects to follow her dreams...Abby is about to change the world! 

Abby decided that a good education is very important. She has decided to go to kindergarten to improve herself (and because it is so much fun). Abby is out to change the world. One grade at a time!



Abby decided to "Follow her Dreams" and go to school. It is very important to have a good education. Only then can one obtain awards and even become an astronaut. Hey, Space School may be in her future. Abby wonders if Space School is tax deductible for the SmetcoWorld corporation...



Abby realizes that kindergarten is the new first grade. She contemplates all that she will be learning. She wonders how many days that she must attend before she becomes smarter than her teachers and parents...(She hints in this picture that she may accomplish this on day one!)



On the first day of school, it is important to remember your backpack AND your lunch. She hopes someone packed the chocolate milk!



With all the talk about school, no one could ever prepare for this! There is "Writing" involved. The next thing you know, there may be "Reading" and arithmetic as well. Abby hopes that they have specials like art and music and gym.


Abby shows the concentration that enabled her to move up to the CEO position at SmetcoWorld. Then again, that is nothing compared to all this reading and writing!



Abby hopes to leave school with a diploma or even an award.



Abby thinks that astronauts eat chocolate at every meal. When she learns to read better, she will realize that this is not the case. Maybe her dreams will change...


But when it is all done, Abby revels in the satisfaction of a good hard day's work at school.

Abby hopes that this has inspired you to keep on learning no matter how difficult it is to master that reading and writing.






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Last modified: March 30, 2005