
Abby Announces Brand New SmetcoWorld HQ

Major Building Project.  Web Updates Delayed.

Due to a major building project at SmetcoWorld, Abby has not had very much time to update the corporate website. Although sometimes she feels like she does all the work at SmetcoWorld, unnamed minions repeatedly assure her that this is not the case. Here is what has been happening while you have been scouring this website for details...



Abby got the idea for a new SmetcoWorld HQ while she was visiting one of her favorite places. After being exposed to other types of architecture, she felt that she needed something more grand and extravagant. 



This was Abby's original proposal to the SmetcoWorld board of directors. Abby changed her mind when she found out that mice lived there. Abby realized that she could have something nice like that but the key was getting good building contractors.



Abby noticed that sometimes gaps in the walls caused drafts. Once again she realized the getting good building contractors was key.



Abby remembered the contractor that installed the corporate swimming pool at SmetcoWorld. It seemed like something was always askew with it. Needless to say, the pool contractor was not invited to bid on the new headquarters design.


Abby picked a plan that she knew would work for everyone. This design was perfect!



Abby managed the entire building process. She was also responsible for quality control. Here she is testing the materials to ensure that everything was fine.



Abby took inventory to ensure that all was in place for the installation. She was not sure why it took so long to build the new HQ since it was all prefabricated. It may have had something to do with the over 10,000 parts and hundreds of steps to install.


But when it was done, Abby found that she could steer the SmetcoWorld enterprise from here.


Abby has some frank talk: "Sure there were some cost overruns. Sure it took longer to build than expected. Sure the SmetcoWorld website has not been updated in months and months...but it was all worth it. There is a perfect place to run the world from." (Take that, stockholders...!)

Abby is anxious to move on to some other high profile projects.

Stay tuned for even more timely SmetcoWorld updates!






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Last modified: March 30, 2005