
Abby Salutes March Madness - Demonstrates Basketball Fundementals

Pursuit of Excellence Unparalleled. 

March is one of Abby's favorite months. For her, it can only mean basketball and the pursuit of excellence...Although Abby is tall and plays on the SmetcoWorld corporate basketball team, she would like to emphasize that it was not always this way. She would like to release these inspirational pictures that shows how she got to the top of her game. Abby realizes that the Pursuit of Excellence is very important whether it is playing basketball, eating chocolate chip cookies or eating chocolate ice cream.



The pursuit of excellence requires practice. Abby is shown here at an early morning team practice. Although she wonders where the rest of the team is at this early hour, it does not stop her from the task at hand. Abby is so into early practice, sometimes she forgets her basketball uniform and shows up in her pajamas.



Although the ability to "hang on the rim" comes naturally for some players, Abby practices it. She needs to ensure that she will have the proper grip under game conditions.



Abby also practices her jump shot. Note that she can go high above the rim.



Abby shows the proper follow through after hitting the shot. Note how she follows the ball all the way through the hoop. One of her taller teammates is shown in the background waiting for the rebound. Abby makes most of her shots. Her teammate may just as well be sitting in one of the chairs.


Abby practices from sun up to sun down. Although most of her talent is natural, there is a fair amount of practice involved.



Of course, Abby enjoys the occasional high percentage shot.



As Abby goes up high, she realizes that it can be lonely at the top.


But when it is all done, Abby revels in the satisfaction of a good shot. She realizes that her hard work and practice has made her the player that she is today.

Abby hopes that this series of pictures has inspired you to take charge of your game. As Abby awaits the NCAA tournament, she will be focusing on replenishing her fluids with a good cup of chocolate milk!






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Last modified: March 30, 2005