
Major Reorganization Occurs

Due to the new employee, every single piece of furniture at the SmetcoWorld Headquarters has been moved. We would like to thank the temporary workers that made this possible....

As of 3/27/05, the following structure is now in place.

  1. The guest room (AKA Jenn's office) is now known as the Baby's room (AKA guest room)
  2. Jenn's office (formerly known as the guest room) has been moved into the TV room
  3. The TV room has been moved into the wood burning stove room
  4. The wood burning stove will stay in the wood burning stove room
  5. The command center remains as is

Note that in order to accommodate the growth of the company, the networking department has replaced the DSL infrastructure with a faster cable network. 


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Last modified: March 30, 2005