
Abby Gives Lessons on Picking the Best Pumpkin

Looking out for the Great Pumpkin.

It is not widely known that Abby has really terrific pumpkin picking skills. As part of her plan to educate other employees at SmetcoWorld, Abby demonstrates proper form in how to pick the best pumpkin.



Abby says that picking the perfect pumpkin need not be difficult if you adhere to the following rules. 



You first must remember to stay warm. Here Abby has a few sips of hot chocolate for good luck...



Like hunters that wear camouflage, Abby dresses as to not stand out among the other pumpkins.



You must NEVER take the first pumpkin that you see. That is bad luck (and makes the story too short as well).


It is easiest to line up around 50 of your top choices---and then sort them accordingly.



If you should see the Great Pumpkin, just bend down and try to blend in with the other pumpkins.



The view from the SmetcoWorld corporate jet shows the proper picking technique.


Sometimes it is just a good idea to take a break.


The best pumpkin is the one that is the most comfortable to sit on...






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Last modified: March 30, 2005