
Abby Declares Father's Day a SmetcoWorld Company Holiday

Irate Mother Hides Laptop. Web Updates Delayed for Months

Abby surprised the CFO (ie Mommy) by declaring Father's Day to be a SmetoWorld corporate Holiday. This completely shocked the CFO who responded by hiding the corporate laptop. Fortunately, it has subsequently been found and the SmetcoWorld web updates will once again begin. This startling event explains why the web site has not been updated in months. Industry onlookers note that the pent up demand for information from the SmetcoWorld headquarters must have flooded the corporate switchboard and email. Regardless, everything is back to normal. Here is how Abby spent her holiday....




The first decision of the day is always what to wear. This requires even more thought for special holidays. 



After breakfast with Abby's team, the decision is made. Abby needs to wear something comfortable.



Yes, something elegant, classy and comfortable. This will do it!



And Abby's team concurs...


Abby's cousin and uncle came over to play...



The day proved to be far more tiring than expected. Here Dad is shown with Abby. They are finally getting a chance to rest.



Although Abby is tired, she knows who is more exhausted. And just think----tomorrow is a work day!

Abby hopes that all you fathers out there enjoyed the Holiday!

(and Mom's too!)






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Last modified: March 30, 2005