
The Detroit Surprise:

The SMETCOWORLD team was shocked to a suprise Baby Shower hosted by the Cutes and Dadeo !

We were thinking that this was a standard Paczki Day event but were shocked to see the following....


Yes, it was a surprise baby shower.



We knew the stork had something to do with all of this...



There was a whole group of people...



The food was fabulous!



OK, they did skimp on the entertainment, but the food WAS fabulous!



And there were even presents. Yes, SmetcoWorld will be changed forever....



We will have a new dress code. (Although we are unsure of which one we like the best...)



At least our newest employee will travel in style...



But the party is now over and we all got back on the plane and traveled back to NY...




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Last modified: March 30, 2005