

Flaunting HIPPA, Top Doctor blurts out that "Abby is the CUTEST girl ever born at WP Hospital"

Expert NICU doctor from Johns-Hopkins agrees

The SMETCOWORLD corporation was pleased but quite frankly, not surprised when a leading doctor blurted out (in front of Abby and her dad) that Abby was the cutest girl ever born at WP hospital. This has been confirmed with Dr. Carolyn who declared that although this observation was obvious, it was an unusual practice for a doctor to be so forthcoming. Here is some documentation that supports the claim:



Abby is not as big as some people think. They say that good things come in small packages. Abby is currently a small package. (Either that, or everyone has large hands!) This is Abby without the head gear. Hopefully, this will be removed in the next few days as the lungs get stronger.



A good beauty rest is an important part of anyone's day.



Abby will come out and hang with Mom and Dad. Here Dad is discussing the finer points of web site design. Note that Abby is listening intently. Although Abby appears to be sleeping, Dad assures her that he had that same look while he was in school.


Here is Mom holding Abby for the first time. This scene will be repeated thousands of times over the next few years. Abby will never remember it---but Mom will never forget it!



Here is Abby doing a situp. Although Abby is only two days old, physical fitness is very important. Note that Abby's friend is keeping count. We think that this is situp #100....


Here is Abby's view of the world so far. To her, everyone is so large. Abby's hobby so far has been sleeping. She is obviously resting up for her chance to go home. At that time, her hobby will change to staying awake.


Here is the view that Abby's Dad has. He spends a lot of time just staring and wondering when Abby can come out and play.


All in all, it is tiring being a little girl. Sometimes she is too tired to even play with her friends. Abby's parents (not shown here) are probably asleep as well.


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Last modified: March 30, 2005