
Abby shocks docs---pulls off medical sensor!

"Too invasive and it makes it hard to sleep"

The doctor team at the WP Hospital was shocked when Abby decided to implement her own treatment plan by pulling off an invasive sensor.

It all started so innocently...Just like any other day...




The SmetcoWorld employees gathered for their daily briefing on Abby's health.



Abby already has ditched the CPAP breathing apparatus giving the world a chance to marvel at her dark brown hair...



But what kind of doctor would leave Abby with a splint like this? Abby does not care if it is an IV line...



The worst part is that it ruins Abby's tan. And don't get Abby started on those sensors as well...



Abby's kick boxing of ferocious bears can intimidate most doctors (except maybe Dr. Carolyn)



Luckily for the bear, this match ended in a draw...



Everything seems to be going OK but something is just not right...



Abby needs to get these sensors off...but how?



After consulting with Da-da, he gives Abby an idea...


After first sweet talking the doctor to remove the IV line, Abby fakes sleeping...


When no one is looking, Abby pulls off her sensor!!!!


Pretty smart, eh? Take that you Columbia and Johns Hopkins doctors! Abby rules!!!


Finally, Abby can get some well needed sleep. Tomorrow, Abby will need her energy to fight that bear.



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Last modified: March 30, 2005