
Abby Makes Surprise Visit to the SmetcoWorld Detroit Office

Stuns Grandparents

Abby showing the planning that made her famous, shocked the Detroit-based employees of SmetcoWorld. In a trip that they could have never imagined, (they thought that Abby was too small to travel) Abby planned and executed a trip that we are sure that no one will ever forget. How did this all happen? We have gone behind the scenes to reveal how she managed to pull this off...




Abby knows that the key to a good trip is plenty of planning...



Just packing only the necessities is also important. Note that all the necessities are not shown in this picture.



Actually, you just pack until the car is full (and then you try to get one more item in....)



When SmetcoWorld employees go on the road, they each get their own bed...



Abby unwinds after a long drive by channel surfing ("Hey, they've got HBO !")



"Now, what else could make this stop better?"


"Just a little more milk please..."



Abby realizes that all hotel food tastes the same. Then again, Abby is not here for the food.



Abby clearly identifies herself to the SmetcoWorld Detroit Office employees...



You should see the reception that the Detroit SmetcoWorld employees gave Abby!

Click HERE to see what happened!!!!







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Last modified: March 30, 2005