
Abby named Director of Creativity at SmetcoWorld

Talks way into position as astonished employees look on

In a surprise move, Abby has been named the "Director of Creativity" at SmetcoWorld. This position was created in an emergency session of the board of directors to allay the fears that website updates were coming far too slowly. So how did Abby get this job? According to informed sources, it happened like this...




Abby outgrows her covered home and moves into an open air setting. This is rumored to be better stimulation for the brain cells...



SmetcoWorld calls in a renowned expert (aka Uncle Ken) to evaluate Abby to see if she should play on the corporate softball team...



After checking Abby's grip, Ken determines that softball may be a little premature...Ken also fights off urge to suggest that Abby start out in a peewee softball league.



While discussing this over dinner with Jenn, Abby suggests another idea...



"I can run the website. I can be more creative and get more timely updates out to the masses."



After Jenn buys off on this idea, Abby proposes this before the board of directors...



Abby is elated as she gets the job...



Abby wonders whether this will be as easy as she thought...



Abby tries on a thinking cap, knitted especially for her by her cousin Beth...


This job will be harder than Abby thought......(Corporate insiders are wondering if Abby is rethinking that softball career.)

Stay tuned for more updates...Hopefully, they will be timely!





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Last modified: March 30, 2005