
Abby Reflects Back on Her First Year

Regrets? Abby has not had any.

As Abby has now been in control at SmetcoWorld for one full year, she reflects on life in general and provides tips for running with the big bears....Abby would like all to know that no bears were harmed during the photographing of these pictures.



Abby (vaguely) remembers living in a world with life-size beanie babies. 



While Abby sleeps, the bear lies awake knowing that one day Abby would grow to be much bigger...



Although Abby grows to be many times the size of the bear she treats the bear well.



Good thing for that---because little bears know big bears!


Abby soon has the big bear eating out of her hand. Abby has her co-workers eating out of her hand as well.



Abby has met a lot of influential people in her first year at SmetcoWorld.



The perks of working at the SmetcoWorld HQ have been outstanding. She loves her new hot tub.


Abby says "Thank You to all that has made my first year so memorable."





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Last modified: March 30, 2005